I was the lead in 'Interview With The Vampire', until Tom Cruise decided he was interested. I was in 'The Wings Of The Dove' with Uma Thurman, until that got cancelled. I was in 'Shakespeare In Love' with Julia Roberts, until that fell apart.
I'd love to work with Julia Roberts and Johnny Depp or Dick Van Dyke. I love 'Mary Poppins' - when I was little I was obsessed with it.
I cannot tell you how many times I have seen the original 'Steel Magnolias' with Dolly Parton and Sally Field and Julia Roberts.
Integrity is integrity. I don't push it to the side because I'm talking to Julia Roberts.
The name game is frustrating. Agents will say, They love you, but they're going to offer it to Julia Roberts first.
But I loved making 'Eat Pray Love,' and I loved working with Julia Roberts.
But I prefer to go to comedies. Give me Julia Roberts smiling anyday.
I wanna create a character that's really memorable... like Julia Roberts did in 'Pretty Woman.'
My skin still crawls if you call me a movie star. I get embarrassed. I think, don't be ridiculous. Maybe it's because I'm British. To me, Julia Roberts that's a movie star. But when people do call me one, that, I think, is an enormous compliment but, my God, is that a responsibility!
I don't think Julia Roberts is as innocent as her image suggests. You have to be a really smart cookie to create an image as clean and pure and on-the-money as hers.